Zinn Education Project
Thickening the Narrative Amanda Faye Lacson Thickening the Narrative Amanda Faye Lacson

Zinn Education Project

Based on the approach to history highlighted in Howard Zinn’s best-selling book A People’s History of the United States, Zinn Education Project’s teaching materials emphasize the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history. The teaching materials are a valuable and great start to understanding what stories in our history are untold, or under-told.

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Vermont Folklife
Oral History, Archives, Classes Amanda Faye Lacson Oral History, Archives, Classes Amanda Faye Lacson

Vermont Folklife

Founded in 1984, Vermont Folklife is a nationally-known education and cultural research nonprofit that uses ethnography—the study of cultural experience through interviewing, participation and observation—to strengthen the understanding of the cultural and social fabric of Vermont's diverse communities.

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TLA Network
Classes Amanda Faye Lacson Classes Amanda Faye Lacson

TLA Network

Transformative Language Arts (TLA) is a field for practitioners who change the world with words. TLA-ers are activists, teachers, storytellers, coaches, mental health professionals, writers, poets, librarians, facilitators, performers and more.

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Oral History Amanda Faye Lacson Oral History Amanda Faye Lacson


StoryCorps is committed to the idea that everyone has an important story to tell and that everyone’s story matters. Many of the stories that StoryCorps features are interviews between loved ones, which can be freeing or not (or both, even in the same interview).

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